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Alternative Distribution

 Since not everyone has a modem and/or a Compuserve account, The ISVnews can
 be obtained in another format. However since this requires extra time and
 materials we can not offer this service for free. The following is a price
 table for the various support distribution formats. 

 Distribution Method             Domestic (US/Canada)       International
 Monthly Fascimile                $40.00 per Year            $60.00 per Year
 Monthly Printed                  $30.00 per Year            $50.00 per Year
 Monthly Diskette                 $30.00 per Year            $50.00 per Year
 Monthly Private Email            $15.00 per Year            $25.00 per Year
 Monthly Internet Email           **** FREE! ****            **** FREE! ****

 These may seem like steep prices, but please understand the circumstances.
 The ISVnews is a free electronic newsletter for the readers and for the
 vendors. For us to take the extra time to distribute it in other forms
 takes materials and time. Things like Diskettes, Paper, Postage, Online
 Charges, Phone Rates, Packaging and Production Time have to be taken into
 consideration. These charges simply reflect the overhead costs in providing
 the optional services.

 To order alternative distribution, please send some electronic mail to
 mark.lussier@filebank.cts.com or use any of the other means as outlined
 in the 'Contact' menu.

 From Compuserve simply address some email to

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